Therapy First was established in 2004 with a vision to provide quality community occupational therapy services to Winnipeg and surrounding areas.  Over the years we have grown to be able to offer physiotherapy services for our spinal cord injured clients. Our goal is to assist our clients through the transition from illness/injury to restored function. We offer a diverse range of services and with the experience of our preferred contractors can provide specialized services in a number of areas including spinal cord injury (SCI) rehabilitation, community home management, specialized equipment provision, upper limb management for SCI, 24-hour postural care/pressure injury prevention and management, manual and power wheelchair assessments/provision and specialized seating assessment/intervention to name a few.

As our tag line “Together We Can” indicates, we believe that together, with clients, family members, caregivers, funders and other team members, we can work towards achieving maximum functional independence for our clients.